During the Age of Apocalypse Gambit left X-Men lead by Magneto because of a love triange between Magneto, Rogue, and Gambit in which Magneto won. Gambit then formed the Xternals who consisted of a former rock star named Lila Cheney, Guido, Jubilee, and Sunspot. Lila and Gambit soon fell in love. The Externals would steel food and medical supplies from Apocolypse's minions and give them to the people who needed it. Kind of sounds like Robin Hood doesn't it?
One night Magneto asks Gambit and the Xternals to travel to the Shi'ar Empire and steal a shard of the M'kran crystal. After hesitation Gambit excepts and the externals travel there with the help of Lila's power to travel across the universe.
When they reached the crystal they found it unstable and about to crystalize the universe. To get a shard from the crystal Gambit has to give it something in return so he gives it his feelings for Rogue and gets the shard. Sunspot became consumed by absorbing the crystal's radiation to protect the others. Lila then uses her powers once more and they just barely make it before the crystal was about to consume them also thus leaving Sunspot behind.
Once they got back in the Morlock tunnels they become seperated. Guido and Jubilee are given the shard and ends up finding Magneto's baby. Gambit and Lila distract Rictor who is a minion of Apocalypse. Guido is reveled to be a spy working for Apocalypse because of his hatred for Remy. Guido ends up givin Apocalypse Magneto's child and the shard. In a fight that takes place in the tunnels Gambit and Lila end up getting trapped under some rubble by Rictor. Gambit and Lila survive and return to Magneto without the crystal. Gambit eventually rejoins Magneto's X-Men. The rest of this story can be read in X-Men Omega.