Kinetic Energy Transference

Gambit can effect the intermolecular and intra molecular forces which glue little bits together to make bigger bits... like atoms and molecules. He alters intra molecular forces. That's nuclear fission. (Ever heard the saying that ‘If you used nuclear fission to split a gram of water, you could power New York for a month?' It's true. And he's controlling it, to a certain extent, which is the truly amazing thing in my book.)


It takes effort to charge these items, and the larger the object the longer it takes. He could charge in theory a small building, but this would leave him incredibly fatigued and would take over an hour. Because of this, Remy sticks to using smaller items such as coins or cards. Small items take only a second. The time it takes to change an item is geometrically proportional to the size of the object. A playing card, fully charged, can do the damage of an explosive round and take only a second to charge. A baseball would have the same effect as a grenade, and take nearly twenty seconds. A basketball that of a mortar and take up to a minute. A fully charged brick could annihilate a car, and would take only a minute to charge. He can at most charge up to a one hour limit of constant use. About this time he would simply become to exhausted to do more and pass out. One big draw back to charging the big items is that Gambit is by no means super strong. He could charge a car, but he certainly couldn't throw it. This makes charging large items dangerous because he cannot guarantee getting out of the blast radius in time to avoid the resulting explosion. And since he has absolutely no immunity to these explosions it would hurt a great deal. Also, if something were to strike this large object before he was finished charging it… it would explode.

He also can control the amount of explosive that each item gives off. So, a fully charged card may be able to go off like an explosive round at full strength, but at the same time another could only make a *paf* sound and give off a little bit of smoke, thus being totally harmless should Remy choose it to. This ability works no matter what size object. Of course the bigger the object the less control he has over this, for the larger the object the longer it takes to make changes in its makeup.

Gambit cannot charge living organic matter because of the bio-electric interference of the object.

The items he charges give off a crimson light for it is a byproduct of the matter manipulation as he alters the state of molecules from matter into energy. The effect also shows in his eyes as they glow with an eerie red light.

Partial Charge

Remy’s control over his charging is nearly complete to the point where he can charge an item to the point where it glows in a dangerous fashion, but then only fades back to dimness without any disastrous results. The time it takes to fade is geometrically equal to the size of the object. Very much like what it takes to charge the item. A card seconds, a baseball at most a minute, and so on. He can also hold a charge on an item for the hour limit shown above. It takes concentration to be able to hold a charge on an item, but if allowed to fade the item will be left with only a few char marks depending on the substance. Remy has no idea as to how he does this in all honesty, for it is direct manipulation of molecules.

Shaped Charges

The items that Remy charges can be controlled to the point where they explode in the manner and direction that he chooses. This is very much akin to the specialized explosives some professionals use. Blow out just the lock of a door without harming anything around it, or blowing down a large steel door without hurting anyone on one side of it.. this is all possible for the incredible control he shows with his powers.


An interesting stunt Remy is capable of is turning common items into deadly projectiles. He can do this by means of directed energy. Much like a gun uses a small explosion to force the bullet through the barrel at high speeds. Remy charges only a portion of the item, transmuting matter to energy, and then using that energy to motivate the item into motion. Accompanying this stunt will be a soft sound of explosion and a burst of light for there is an after effect with such things. Beware Remy with a hand full of pebbles.


More than anything this is a Byproduct of his ability, but it does have some uses. By charging an item, and then holding that charge so that the transmutation of matter into energy goes very slowly, (Instead of explosively) said item will begin to glow brightly. This glow is enough to light a ten foot radius well, with a diminishing radius of another ten or so feet. One can read by this light if one is close enough. The longer he holds the light the more of the item will be used until it fully disintegrates as all of it is transmuted. Again he can control the amount of light he gives off.


By fully charging an item and then carefully dispersing all of the molecules in a harmless manner, Remy can disintegrate things. This is one of his most difficult stunts as if something were to go wrong he could loose control and the item could explode with deadly results. This is direct manipulation of molecules on a level that modern science hasn't fully managed to do, and it is in the hands of one Remy LeBeau. Scary, no? For the most part he sticks to only small items, and rarely uses this aspect because of the energy it takes. Normally he can be found disintegrating only bottle caps and such, although there has been a lock or two in the past that have mysteriously disappeared.


By stirring up molecules and atoms, shoving them into higher energy states, a compound will heat up. Although he can only seem to do this with small items, Remy can light fires without having to use so much as one match. Mostly he uses this to light his cigarettes when he cant find his lighter, but this could work with anything that is flammable.


By the same means as above Remy could create a source of heat. He would have to charge an item, hold that charge until the items atoms where agitated enough to where it would start to emit heat. This isn't an easy thing for Remy to do, and he would have to concentrate on the item until he got the balance just right. And of course since he isn't immune to heat the longer he was in contact with the item the more it would burn.


Remy’s great speed and dexterity are also gifts of his being a mutant. He has the incredible ability to literally dodge bullets and even to block said bullets with another item. But to dodge a bullet he must be able to see his attacker. Someone pointing a gun at his back will have far greater success in shooting him. With this comes a great hand to eye coordination hat allows for his considerable aim. He has an ability akin to the Beast, able to do flips and dodges even while in mid air. He can easily balance on the thinnest of wires and move over seemingly impossible surfaces.

The normal human body is unable to perform the stunts listed above because it simply wasn't made to be able to move with that much speed and flexibility. A part of Remy's mutation was that his body was adapted to be capable of such motion. This meant that the muscles, tendons, and ligaments (Not to mention the shapes of some of his joints) were beyond human.

Time Delay

Gambit then learned a new ability he had in one of his first comics.  While using his Kinetic Charging Energy ability, he has the power tell when his objects shall explode.  In other words, with his mind, he can make the objects explode by will, having it, he can even hold it for as long as a few days for all is known. Even so, he can be a long distance away from the object as well, making a living time bomb.


As shown, Gambit has shown types of "Psionic" abilites. For one, he has such as "Charming" powers. By example, he can sway people by using his speeches or actions by natual to throw whoever he is directing it to off guard. In a state, it is a hypnotic direction. Shown in comics, he can sway people beyond the sex appeal or even the grab for a gift. But more so, he uses this abilites toward women, when not intended to harm anyone. The next step, is using it in battle. Gambit will either try to talk his way out of a fight, or even charm the opponent long enough for him to come up with stradegy or plan. ( Hence, the name Gambit. )

When doing so, Gambit an understand his opponent and know how to counter with them waisting time. This has also been shown with the X-Men. Gambit uses his charm and stradegy abilites againts them, because he knows how each X-Man attacks or avoid attacks. But, since Gambit has respect for his fellow X-Men, he would never attempt to do so, because he feels that he owes them alot through-out the times.


Shown in Gambit's third limited ongoing series, Gambit shows the true force of his powers. Before even going to Sinister for held, he could charge an obeject without even having physical contact toward it. With just looking at the object he desires, it may "Charge" up, because of his psionic contact with the structure of the item. Even so, he could also charge a human being, human cells, human organic structure. Doing so, he has shown an example to Mystique in later issues when he charged her hands, knees, torso, and neck by simply taking sight upon her.


Another side-affect of Gambit's powers is his psionic force. Shown in later issues, his charm, or even using his BIO-kinetic energy transfer, he can block of shield telapathic or psionic forces. When doing so, even the strongest telepath can't enter Gambit's mind, example when Psylocke tried to probe in Gambit's mind a few times, she couldn't pass through, because of him charging a simple card. Also, when Shadow King tried to enter into Storm's mind, Gambit was using his "charm" againts his force, allowing a shielding block againts it. Therefore, this is one reason why no one ever knew of Gambit's true past, or ever will, if attempted. There have been other indications of this psionic/empathic type power. When Psylocke rudely scanned Gambit's mind right after he awakened from a coma, he was able to psychically sneak up on her in the astral plane and cut her off from further invasion of his privacy, something Psylocke asserts shouldn't have been possible. Gambit also knew someone (his adopted brother) had snuck into the mansion when the security systems had not detected him and no one else knew. Possibly an emotional signature or some type of awareness.