Base of Operations:
( current ) Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester, NY.
( former ) New Orleans, Louisiana.
( former ) Paris, France.
( former ) Cairo, Illinois.
Group Affiliation:
( current ) None.
( former ) X-Men.
( former) Thieves Guild.
175 lbs.
Red irises with black sclera.
Fighting Skills:
Bilingual in English and French, ability to throw small objects, including knives, throwing
spikes, and playing cards, with extraordinary accuracy. Excellent hand-to-hand
combatant, utilizing streetfighting techniques and acrobatics
He wore a simple pair of brown jean like pants, that hung down to the cuffs. A light blue
shirt covered up by his most mostly with all the outfit that he wore. Finishing it off with a
pair of brown combat boots, worn for walking around.
Gambit's uniform is more odd than the others, the main colors being pink, blue, and
black. The body armor being a bio-organtic substance, allowing it to come from his ankles
leading to his wrist. Where it stopped was his face, leaving a faceless mask. As then, the
same substance knee-high light blue boots were upon his feet. Then, having a pair of gloves,
the thumb, pinky, and index finger area being cutoff, leaving them fingerless. Finishing off his
outfit was his most formal ankle long brown trench coat, covering most of his uniform from
the public, and keeping himself casual.
Accessories: |
Gambit carried a lot of various items. Such as a couple of knives, used as a weapon for
charging and throwing. Then, other small objects he has using them by choice. Next off, was
his custom made Metallic Alloy Bo Staff. It being special made by Hank McCoy for his own
using, having it form into different substance, or even types of staffs and long weapons.
The the most formal item he has of all, the playing cards. Using them for charging and
exploding, he uses them for his own personal weapons, which leads him to various card
tricks and such.